Socializing: Enhance your communication in coworking spaces

We say coworking, you say innovation. We say coworking, you say growth. We say coworking, you say creativity. 

Aside from working on day to day tasks and different projects, coworking spaces are used to create a better working environment. They key is getting to know your neighbors. But it takes effort.

Break the ice. Whether it’s about an upcoming vacation you have or getting straight to the point by letting the other person know what it is you do. And of course you want to reciprocate. Either way, you’re able to create an opportunity for further interaction later.

Be sure to socialize outside of an office setting. Many coworking spaces offer community events that give their members an opportunity to socialize with each other outside of business hours. This gives you the opportunity to get to know them on a deeper personal level and allows you to ask them about their skills and hobbies. This can pave the way for cross-collaboration between teams and will make your interactions in the “office” more enjoyable. 

Don’t skip the outings or events either. Many coworking spaces hold workshops. If the topics of discussion don’t appeal to you, try one anyways! Conversation skills are important for career development, and being part of a coworking space is a great way to develop them. 

By putting yourself out there and engaging with the people around you, you can develop your communication skills while establishing friendships, professional relationships, and maybe even a few business partnerships. 

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Ellen Matis