Our businesses - and our daily lives - are FULL of information, but can it be too much of a good thing? Through this workshop you will learn what "data is", how to decide what data is important for you, and ways to review, visualize, and interpret that data to empower your decision making, both for your business and personal lives. You'll walk away with a simple framework that can be applied to any decision making situation to help create a data-driven solution.
Non-member workshop cost: $10
SpringBoard programming is free to both SpringBoard members and business/organization members of Downtown Bellefonte Inc. If you’re a member, use the code previously provided to you when signing up.
About the Workshop Host
Stephanie Desaulniers is a small business strategist and online educator who teaches home-based artisans, makers and creative entrepreneurs how to create a product- based business they love, without having to take time away from their families. Businesses that Stephanie has worked with have added second locations, hired team members for the first time, and seen an increase in profits even during COVID. She has appeared on PALive! And Business News Daily to talk about the value of small businesses in the local economy, and especially women-owned and run operations.